Vaccination Clinic February 18

Melissa ISD will be offering a student vaccination clinic on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025, from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., during the Elective Expo at Melissa Middle School. A limited number of appointments are available and participants must register in advance online.

The clinic is open to all Melissa ISD students, but parents/guardians of students entering 7th grade next year are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity if their child has not yet received their updated immunizations. As a reminder, the State of Texas Health Services requires students entering 7th grade to have a Meningococcal vaccine and TDaP booster. These two vaccines are commonly given on or around a person’s 11th birthday.

View the Vaccine Clinic Flyer

For parents who choose not to vaccinate their children due to an exemption for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief, an affidavit must be requested via the Immunizations Section Affidavit Request.

For more information about the clinic, including registration and required documents you will need to bring, visit

Questions regarding the vaccine clinic or the required immunizations can be emailed to