East Cardinal Middle School Cheerleading/Mascot Tryout Information & Important Dates For 2025-2026

East Cardinal Middle School cheerleading/mascot tryouts for the 2025-2026 school year are scheduled for the evening of Friday, February 28. Cheerleading tryouts are open to incoming 7th and 8th grade students who are interested in being a cheerleader or "Birdie" the mascot. Those who plan to try out should make note of the important activity dates and requirements below.

  • In order to participate in cheerleading tryouts, the student must attend a mandatory informational meeting with their parent or guardian from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. in the Melissa Middle School Cafeteria (3150 Cardinal Dr, Melissa, TX 75454) on one of the following dates: Tuesday, Jan. 21 or Tuesday, Jan. 28.

  • To learn and practice the tryout material, students are encouraged to attend one or more of the Tryout Material Clinics held from 4:30 - 6 p.m. daily from Feb. 24 - 27 in the Melissa Middle School Auxiliary Gym.

  • Tryouts will be held from 4:30 p.m. until completion on Friday, Feb. 28th in the Melissa Middle Gym.

Questions regarding East Cardinal Middle School cheerleading tryouts can be directed to head coach, Catherine McKoy, at catherinemckoy@melissaisd.org.

Additional Information Added:

For students auditioning, please review the following Tryout Material: MMS Tryout Material.

After tryouts, results will be posted on the MISD Cheerleading page.