Melissa ISD will have a May 1 bond election for a $400 million bond proposition, called by the Melissa Schools Board of Trustees at the regularly scheduled meeting in February.
This recommendation was made to the Board of Trustees based on student enrollment projections and expected growth patterns for the next 10 years at Melissa ISD, as determined by Davis Demographics through a comprehensive independent demographic study.
In addition, the district formed a 130-member community needs assessment committee, Vision 2034, to reflect on where Melissa ISD has been in years past, evaluate where the district is now, and plan for where the district is headed in the years to come.
No Tax Rate Increase
The district’s financial advisor has determined that there would be no property tax rate increase to finance the proposed bonds. All bonds sold would be funded based on new valuation in appraisals and growth within the district.
Growth Projections & Proposed Bond Projects
Melissa ISD is growing. Projections indicate that over the next 10 years, total student enrollment at Melissa Schools will reach 8,500. Melissa ISD’s current total student enrollment is 4,200 and increasing every day. Including Willow Wood Elementary, the district’s current maximum facility capacity is 5,450 students.
The bond referendum will include the new construction of an elementary school, middle school (with land purchased from the 2016 bond), and the final phase of Melissa High School including Career and Technical Education (CTE). The bond will also include future projects as growth allows. These projects include additions to the existing middle school, current facility renovations, three-to-five new elementary schools, land purchase for future facilities, and additional buses.
Voting Information & Bond Website
Melissa ISD residents will have the opportunity to vote on the bond referendum beginning with early voting from April 19 – April 27, 2021, and continuing on Election Day on Saturday, May 1, 2021.
For more information regarding the Melissa Schools 2021 Bond Election and the Vision 2034 Planning Committee, please visit the bond website at