Logo, Branding & Social Media

Melissa Cardinal Logo

The Melissa Cardinal head is the official logo of Melissa Schools.

Melissa Cardinal Logo

Logo Use

Third parties must receive explicit permission from the district to reproduce the Melissa Cardinal Logo, and the logo may not be altered.

If you wish to use the Melissa Cardinal Logo, please fill out the Logo Usage Request form below. The district will then send you the high resolution logo file(s) that you need for your project.

Employees of Melissa Schools can find the logo files in the shared Google Drive, in the District Logos folder.

Official Colors

The official district colors coincide with the Melissa Cardinal Logo and are outlined below. Primary fonts used in digital and print communication pieces released by the district are Roboto, Roboto Condensed, and Roboto Slab.



HEX: #f1000e
RGB: 241 0 14
CMYK: 0 100 100 0
Pantone: 185 C



HEX: #000000
RGB: 0 0 0
CMYK: 75 68 67 90



HEX: #eff344
RGB: 239 243 68
CMYK: 11 0 83 0

Social Media

Melissa Schools uses social media to strategically communicate and engage with stakeholders and the general public, while reflecting the district’s culture and core values.

Follow Melissa ISD on social media through the district channels linked below. Each school also maintains a social media presence on Facebook and Twitter; this account information can be found on each school website.

District Hashtags: #MelissaSchools, #REDRED, #Read2Grow, #TeamMelissa