Emergent Bilingual Division

English Learner (EL)

An English learner (EL) is a student who is in the process of acquiring English and has another language as their primary language. The terms “English language learner (ELL)” and “English learner (EL)” are used interchangeably and are synonymous with the term “limited English Proficient (LEP) student” as used in the Texas Education Code. Melissa ISD students are identified to receive EL services based on the Home Language Survey that their parent/guardian completes for school enrollment.

To request language support services, please follow this link: ELL Support Request.

Pre-Kindergarten Services

Melissa ISD offers a free, full-day, eligibility-based Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) program for qualifying students, also known as Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE). One of the qualifying criteria for Pre-K is that the child is unable to speak or comprehend the English language. To learn more about the Melissa ISD Pre-K/ECSE program, visit www.melissaisd.org/prek.


Adult ESL Classes
An Adult Literacy Program will be coming soon. Please continue to check back for more information.

Translation Help

The Melissa ISD website can be translated into many languages other than English. To change the language of the website, select “Translate” in the top navigation menu and then select the language of your choice.

Google Translate is an online platform and mobile app that can automatically translate text, images, documents, and websites from one language to another. To start translating information, visit translate.google.com in your web browser or download the free Google Translate app.