Prom 2025 - Emerald City
The Melissa High School "Emerald City" Junior/Senior Prom is scheduled for Saturday, April 12, 2025 from 7:00 - 11:00 p.m. at the Courtyard Dallas Allen at the Event Center (210 E Stacy Rd, Allen, Tx).
We hope to make this an unforgettable event for our junior and senior Cardinals! If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Michelle Moore at

Guest Information
If a senior student wishes to bring a guest who does not attend Melissa High School, he or she must fill out a Guest Approval Request form. Guest forms are available in the front office and Mrs. Needham's office in F219 beginning on Tuesday, March 25.
Reminder: Approved ticketed guests must enter with the senior MHS student who purchased the ticket.
Seniors can bring an outside guest (with approval).
Return Completed Guest Form to Mrs. Needham in F219 by April 4, 2025.
A guest must be approved before a guest ticket can be purchased.
Guests will be approved or denied within 3 days after the guest form is submitted.
Guests must not be more than one year graduated from high school, over the age of 20 years, and must be at least in the 9th grade.
Requests with falsified information or forged signature will be denied.
A copy of your guest’s picture ID must be submitted with your request form.
Your guest must present their original ID at the door the night of the dance (no ID, no admittance).
Guests must abide by school policies while attending a school-sponsored event.
Guest forms must be emailed from the school the guest attends or has graduated.
Juniors are allowed to bring guests only if they are a MHS student.
This event is exclusively for MHS juniors and seniors. For the safety and security of all student attendees, we kindly ask that parents and guardians refrain from entering the venue. Any undesignated adults will be escorted off the premises to ensure the well-being of our students. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Dress Code
Formal attire is required at prom. The formal dress code will be enforced. Please review the formal dress code below. Questions about the dress code can be directed to Mrs. Moore at
Boys are expected to adhere to the following dress code:
Pants must be worn around the waist (belt or no belt).
No undergarments may be showing.
No excessively baggy clothes.
No pants with a low-hanging crotch.
Clothing cannot contain any logos or symbols.
No Jeans
Girls are expected to adhere to the following dress code:
No sheer or see-through fabrics.
No dresses or tops that are excessively revealing of chest, bottom, or stomach (no more than 3 inches for the midriff).
No undergarments may be showing.
Dresses or slits may be no shorter than 5 inches above the knee.
Dresses that are laced together in the front cannot reveal bare skin under the lacing.
Clothing cannot be altered once you are admitted into the dance.
Clothing cannot contain any logos or symbols.
Prom Guidelines
To view all the guidelines for prom, click the link below: