
State law requires children to be immunized against certain vaccine-preventable diseases to attend school in Texas. Getting your child vaccinated protects your child's health and that of the community. State vaccine requirements are linked below. For additional information regarding immunization requirements, please visit the Texas Department of State Health Services website.

For parents who choose not to vaccinate their children due to an exemption for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief, an affidavit must be requested via the Immunizations Section Affidavit Request.

Upcoming Vaccination Clinics

We will be offering a vaccination clinic on April 17 from 11:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. at the Melissa ISD Home Office (1904 Cooper Street) as part of Kindergarten Round-Up, which will take place from 12:00-6:00 p.m.

Participants must register in advance. Registration for the vaccination clinic is available by clicking on the "Vaccination Clinic Registration" box to the right. A limited number of appointments are available.

All Incoming 7th Grade Students: According to the State of Texas Health Services, all 7th graders must have met these immunization requirements prior to enrollment:

  • At least one dose of Meningococcal vaccine

  • At least one dose of Tdap booster if it has been five years since their last dose of tetanus containing vaccine.

Parent Letter - Incoming 7th Grade Immunizations

Childhood Immunization Updates

There have been updates in the requirements of childhood immunizations affecting different students of different ages. You can go to your child’s medical provider and/or to find out if your child has not met these requirements. If your child has not received the required immunizations at this time, please make sure you take him/her to your provider to be immunized prior to attending school. Bring proof your child has received these immunizations to the nursing office or the front office.

Excerpt from the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook — 3.3.8 Immunization

Except as provided by the TEC, §38.001(c), a student is required to be fully immunized against certain diseases.[1]However, your district may admit a student provisionally if the student has begun the required immunizations and continues to receive the necessary immunizations as rapidly as medically feasible.[2] Except as provided by the TEC, §38.001(c), a student who is not fully immunized and has not begun the required immunization must not attend school. A homeless student may be admitted for 30 days pending initiation of vaccinations or receipt of vaccination documentation.[3] A student who is a military dependent or any student coming from another Texas school may be enrolled for 30 days pending transfer of immunization records.[4]